Page name: Find Love Wiki [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-06-16 23:22:04
Last author: windowframe
Owner: Yoruno
# of watchers: 8
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Find Love Wiki

This is the list of Wikis you must check if you are looking for love in the town:

Be My Penguin?
Elftown Couples
Flirters Corner
Honeyz United
Kt & Rebecca's Pimps
Lovely Two
Lovers of Elftown
Opposites Attract
The Waiting Room
True Love Club

Back to The Wiki's wiki page

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2004-11-15 [Sersia04]: can someone add that cause i can't...the page has a password

2004-11-15 [Sersia04]: Passion

2004-11-15 [Yoruno]: Passion has been added! *bows*

2004-12-23 [desthum( i luv c.ronaldo)]: i want to fall in love

2004-12-23 [Gone123456789]: Ok then. [#9437] is available, lol... jkjk.

2004-12-23 [Yoruno]: O.O Is that a wiki??

2004-12-24 [#9437]: Wait...are you pimping me out?

2004-12-24 [Gone123456789]: -snaps and twich is wearing a blue suede suit and matching shoes plus she is holding a cane and wearing a top hat.- Well, [#9437], you've offically been pimped.

2004-12-24 [#9437]: ...why...why...WHY...does this always happen?

2004-12-25 [Gone123456789]: lol what?

2004-12-25 [#9437]: exactly.

2004-12-25 [Gone123456789]: lol ok?

2005-01-12 [SpaWN OF SyN]: is n e 1 there looking 4 a girl?

2005-01-12 [Gone123456789]: This is not a dating wiki

2005-01-13 [#9437]: this is just a compilation of wikis, some of which can be for dating. look through the list of wikis in the page, and find one for matchmaking.

2005-02-11 [Mayuya]: hello!...mmmm, is here someone can help me to have this new wiki on the wiki wiki's page index Elftown Couples

2005-02-12 [Mayuya]: thank u for let we get into the index...^_^

2005-03-29 [toffiechick]: ;p

2005-03-29 [Yoruno]: Please do not carry on conversations here. Keep comments to a minimum. Please don't leave random remarks or greetings. This is a place to help Elftowners to find wikis, not a place to get to know each other. Thanks!

2005-05-10 [The Demon Within]: hi im forsaken_love i would like to be in the club if you would let me!!

2005-05-11 [Yoruno]: O__O This is not a club... this is a wiki index...

2005-07-01 [takkun38]: and, im looking 4 a girl, Ana_Shinoda666

2005-07-01 [Yoruno]: Then write her name in the "Enter username (or#)" box on the right top of the page!

2006-08-30 [Zana]: I am looking for someone who will love me, and never leave me... weather it be a freind/soal mate or more... but, i trust women more than men...unless if you a fem type guy

2006-08-30 [Yoruno]: O__o *ahem* This is just an index of wikis... I sincerely doubt you will find here what you're looking for... ^^;;
Please, keep this place spam-free...

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